Wednesday, 22 August 2018

13 Benefits of FUE Hair transplant

13 benefits of fue hair transplant

There are many misconceptions or myths related to hair transplant but FUE hair transplant is one of the best process to do hair transplant, to know more about Fue in detail we have made a list of 13 benefits of fue hair transplant through which you can help you to remove misconceptions and myths from your mind and take a advantage of this advanced technique.
  • No scars in Transplanted Area:

Every patient worried about this, after transplant does scar will be visible? And answer is no.. Unlike other Hair transplant procedure Fue provides best finishing and best results in terms of Scars. Since in Fue hair transplant, we transplant hair follicles from the donor area to recipient area one by one hence there is no scar unlike what you were seen in Fut hair transplant/ stripe method.
  • Fast Healing Process:

Since we implant hair grafts one by one without extracting any part of the skin, after this process scalp must adapted quickly and due to this healing process is quicker than other techniques which uses for hair transplant.
  • Minimal Post Surgery discomfort:

For Patients comfort, Hair transplant surgeon uses local anaesthesia as you can experienced in dental process, due to this after surgery patients can go to their home after few hours without any pain. Moreover, due to this procedure will not harm your body, the possibility of post-surgery discomfort is very low.
  • Natural look:

Most people are concerned about whether procedure will look natural or not but in Fue hair transplant is very perfect and appropriate treatment that people won’t be able to recognise the changes on your head. The outcome is your real hairs only. People can’t differentiate in between old hairs and new growing hair.
  • Large harvesting area:

Due to Fue hair transplant we can cover major bald area for transplant so that hair growth is very nice and result is tremendous than any other techniques. We harvest hair follicles easily up to the whole head.
  • Fast Recovery:

Once you performed FUE transplant, you can start your daily activities easily after the surgery or resume to your work without any problem, because the treatment requires no waiting. So you can do exercise or anything else that you do daily in routine.
  • Ideal for people at increased risk of scarring:

In those people who are at risk of poor healing or the creation of scar, Fue is the best option for them due to its technique and components, which prevents formation ofmarks on the scalp. This technique is famous in young, athletic or muscular patients, and people who has tight or flexible scalp.
  • Useful to repair scars from previous treatments:

Fue is the best solution in case you had any accident or any marks occurred and which is problematic for your look. It is one of the most widely used technique where people repair damaged scars which occurs previously due to negligence.
  • Ideal for tight scalps:

In some patients scalps are very narrow and tight so that it does not allow the application of other treatment, at this case, Fue is the ideal choice for such cases.
  • Finer hair up to the neck:

Fue hair transplant is designed to promote the growth of thin hairs upto the hairline so that it results to more natural look and best in quantity too.
  • Growth of hair follicles:

Fue treatment not only helps to the growth of hairline in the hair area but it encourages the presence of hair on other parts of the body too.
  • Minimized Risk of Infections:

With other techniques patients can suffer from infections after the surgery but not in case of Follicular unit extraction. This process is totally painless and harmless to the health of the patients.
  • Quality of Hair:

In Fue hair transplant surgeons uses hair follicles from the same patients donor area where the growth is good comparatively recipient area, and transplant the hair roots to the recipient area, due to this the possibility of quality hair growth is very higher than any other procedure.